*EST below*

For YCA it was already 5th youth meeting.This year we took the topic – Volunteer work.

Why did we choose this particular topic? Our partners were Youth Center Kesklinn. Bouth of us have volunteers club and we disided to choose this toppic, becouse its common for Russian- and Estonian- speaking youth and the aim of YM is exactly to cooperate youth withh different mothertoungh.


FIRST MEETING – 13.08-15.08

The first meeting took place in the Youth Center Kesklinn. The emphasis was on icebreaking, getting to know each other, teamwork and theoretical background. During the first meeting, there were many different group work, team games, interesting people who were involved with volunteering, and used the HumanLibrary method so that young people could learn about different volunteer work aspects.


SECOND MEETING – 20.09 – 23.09

The second meeting took place in the Youth Club Activi. During this meeting, we had practical part. We have been to help Tallinn Animal Asylum and the Library. The project result was the book that the young people did by  themselves. The contents of the book were motivational quotes, the story of the experience of young volunteers, drawings, part of the theory, and also some jokes that were born during the project.

During the project, young people developed competences such as communication in a foreign language, communication in their mother tongue, personal, intercultural, social and civic competence.

We believe that in the project they took not only the books they have made themselves, but also new friends and skills.

Noorteklubi Active juba viies kord viis läbi noortekohtumised. Selle aastal me võtsime teemaks – Vabatahtliku töö.

Miks me valisime just seda teema? Meie partnerid olid Kesklinna Noortekeskus. Nendel ja meil on olemas vabatahtliku klubi, kuna Noorte kohtumised on suunatud just selleks, et vene-ja eestikeelsed noored hakkasid omavahel rohkem suhelda ja koostöö teha, me otsustasime, et vabatahtliku töö teema sobib selleks kõige paremini.


ESIMINE KOHTUMINE – 13.08 -15.08

Esimene kohtumine toimus Kesklinna Noortekesekuse hoovis. Rõhk oli tehtud noorte omavahel suhtlemiseks, meeskonna tööks ja teoreetilise taustaks. Esimese kohtumise jooksul oli läbi viidud palju erinevad grupitööd, meeskonnamängud, meie juurde käisid huvitavad inimesed, kes tegelevad vabatahtliku tööga ja kasutasime Elava raamatukogu meetodi selleks, et noored saaksid teada erinevate vabatahtliku töö osadest.


TEINE KOHTUMINE – 20.09 – 23.09

Teine kohtumine toimus Noorteklubi Activi hoovis. Selles kohtumises me juba rõhutasime praktilise osa peale. Oleme käinud aitama Tallinna Looma varjupaika ja Raamatukogusse.  Projekti tulemuseks sai raamat, mis noored tegid ise. Raamatu sisuks sai motiveerivad tsitaadid, noorte vabatahtliku töö kogemuse lugu, joonistused, teooria osa ja ka mõned naljad,mis sündisid projekti jooksul.


Projekti jooksul noored arenesid sellised pädevused nagu suhtlemine võõrkeeles, suhtlemine emakeeles, Isiklik, kultuuridevaheline, sotsiaalne ja kodanikupädevus.  

Me usume, et projektis kaasa nad võtsid mitte ainult raamatud, mida nad on ise tehtud, aga ka uusi sõpru ja oskusi.


