Project “Trash Art” took place in summer camp Vihasoo, Tammispea village and also in Tallinn, Estonia. It is a National Youth Initiative in the farme of the Youth in Action Programme of the European Union, which promotes mobility and non-formal education programme targeting young people. Main themes were: art and culture, environment.
The project was organized in frames of programme Youth In Action with support of Estonian NA
First of all, we tried to achieve our main aim – to inspire our target group to thinking about – what does the reasonable intake means to them.
Through the deep preparation period we made a good activity period and continued with the disseminating part.
There were six objectives which we reached during this project:
• Critically explore the meaning of reasonable intake and how it can be translated into the preservation of the environment, how is possible to give to old things the “second life” – refresh them
• Creativity development, increase the handcraft skills and art way of thinking during the workshop “Trash art”. Give the possibility to old stuff be used in practice again
• To pay youths attention to ecology
• Promote and facilitate the active approach to building sustainable environment.
• Explore sustainable potential of a concrete location, critically assess it and suggest improvement.
• Disseminate results (as video of the workshop process, refreshed stuff) among youth and children during the summer and among class mates of initiative group. The project lasted 5 months. During the preparation moment we tried to pay attention to our target group and explore our theme in this way, that to make it interesting for children, involve them as mush as possible and also pay attention to problem ecology. Then we organized the activity stage. Participated approximately 80 children who visited camp Vihasoo for period 13.06.2013 – 19.06.2013. During this stage we started with working on theme ecology, organize debates, discussions, games, videos according to our theme and then started the Trash art workshop in action. The last stage – dissemination was done firs of all on the Exhibition – 18.06.2013 where were invited children’s parents and children from camp Kotka. Around 300 took part in the exhibition and most of the exhibits were sold or taken by creators.
During the period participants were deeply involved in the project topic through different activities as:
o Debates – active involvement, participation
o Video creation about project “Trash art” – “from idea to realization”
o Simulation games – about sorting and recycling, games on the camp territory
o Intellectual discussions
o Workshop “Trash art”
o Performances
o Exhibition of results of the project
During the dissemination part of the project we visited children during other 5 periods in the camp, present to them idea, show the video Trash art – from idea to application, in which frames we did this project – Youth in Action programme and involve children to Trash art practical workshop, where all created things they took to home. During this part we involved around 400 people.