The themes of the project are reasonable intake, recycling, environmental challenges, building the sustainable environment. As our theme is reasonable intake, there is one main aim: to inspire thinking of what the reasonable intake means to me .

The project was organized in frames of programme Youth In Action with support of Estonian NA

Participated 4 countries: Norway, Czech Republic, Lithuania and Estonia.

The objectives were:
· Critically explore the meaning of reasonable intake and how it can be translated into the preservation of the environment, support local businesses, active citizenship.
· Promote and facilitate the active approach to building sustainable environment.
· Explore sustainable potential of a concrete location, critically assess it and suggest improvement.
· Build up creative and communication skills, support intercultural exchange.

During the project activity were used various methods, their main part are the methods of non-formal learning: presentations, team-building, “fields” works, interview, “local reality” etc

Youth exchange was organised in Estonia, Tammispea küla from the October, 2 till the October 7 (6 days).

