Youth exchange project “Build your own future” gathered young people aged between 18-25 from Lithuania, Romania Bucharest, Romania Hunedoara, Poland, Czech Republic, Spain and Estonia,which are not sure what to do in their lives.
Dates of the project: 25.09.2017-01.10.2017 (24.09 evening – arrival, 02.10 morning – departure, 1 travel day)
Group per country: 4 participants + 1 leader
Venue: Dzingel hotel, Männiku tee 89, Tallinn, Estonia
Applicant organization: NGO Youth Club Active
The idea of the project is to exchange knowledge, ideas and experience about job seeking and career planning. A lot of youngsters are not able to choose the right job or build a career in a certain field. We wanted to know what kind of problems other young people have and to exchange the ideas about how to succeed in job seeking. The main goal of this project is to have a dialogue between youth and their peers in socially vulnerable positions.
Aim of the project:
To decrease the level of unemployment in the participating countries among young people from 18 to 25 years old considering their personal job preferences, interests and motivation.
– to get to know cultures and traditions
– to develop self-presenting skills
– to develop job interview skills
– to create awareness about personal skills, competences, interests and strong features to use social networks for job seeking and self-advertising
– to get new friends and partners to develop and improve language skills
– to learn through sharing
– to facilitate communication between different nationalities
– to help young people to find their favourite job
– to gain above mentioned competences and skills through Youthpass process
– to learn about the Youthpass and it’s potential
All groups arrived and at least we started our project. We played a lot of name games and damaged the ice between us. We discussed the rules , fears and expectation to do our project better. We were very creative, because of writing a letter for our future,create the game like secret friend and our walls are full of creativity, like paper with instagram, papers where you can write you favourite book/serial/song, we have tree of motivation and etc. We did some theatrical scenes about different topics and we created sculptures from improvised materials concerning the future, job, study. All of us are learning a lot of things day by day doing small steps and never stop it even if we want this. Because of that we understood and know more what is formal and non-formal learning it ,especially about their difference. We learned what means competence and which competences do we have and touched on the topic about Erasmus+ and Youthpass. Now we know that life is short to stay in the same position for a long time, because it’s not so interesting and we know that changes in our life are very good opportunity we had and we should not be afraid of this. All we need is just to go out from our comfort zone. We had very good session with professional psychologist, we met a career consultant and did some tests which can help to understand yourself better and to know which profession is closer to us. “Purposes and desires. Why it is important in our life?” “How to understand what I actually want?”. Sometimes we need return to childhood, because there we can find answers for some our questions. It also can be useful for the future like when you should choose the further way in life.
Sometimes we have a friend like laziness, may be at the same time not so good. But do not stop moving and developing, because by the way, laziness is the engine of progress and we did tips about it. On the project we had different people. Some of them had own experience about their life and some of them has no experience. That’s way we had that opportunity to share a lot of good stories how we found our passion or understood what we want to do in life. It can be like a motivation start for somebody, brings may be ideas for the future and also shows that all depends on us and only we are owners of our life. We thought a bit deeper and we had discussions about how to present yourself on the interview and tried to write your own CV based on some examples. Moreover, each group of participants presented opportunities in their countries about system of the higher education. It could be a nice helper if someone of us would like to study abroad. We had cultural awareness through intercultural evenings. Also, we had some days to relax, had excursion in Old Town and free time in the city centre at our free day, where guide made such an effort to present Tallinn for people who have never heard about it before. We did very big work and those days were so creative and productive. It was very great to see many inspirational people,who are ready to try and do not afraid.
Dissimination from NECI Romania