Project Number: 2016-1-EE01-KA105-017253

Preliminary date: 02/10/16 – 07/10/16, arrival day 01/10/16 and departure day 08/10/16

Group per country: 6+1 group leader (participants are youth people from 16-22 years old, leader 21+)

Venue: Tammispea village, suburban camp Vihasoo, Estonia

Countries: Azerbaijan, Russia, Lithuania and Estonia

Main Aim:

– To foster youth involvement in the process of research family values and traditions of different cultures through method theatre.


– To research family values of different countries on the base of cultural fairy-tales about the family institution.

– To improve the possibilities of international dialogue between youngsters, raising tolerance and improving attitude to traditions of their own families

– Creating friendly atmosphere, build up partnerships and cooperation (team-building activities, ice-breakers, small hikes in the Lahemaa Part, discussions)

– Self-identification, discover your past as roots and according to that build your future relationships and focus on family institution (Reflections, Youthpass as a tool for self-reflection)

– Discover yourself through theatre and how it will be related to future

– To show combined performance from 4 countries on the stage in Tallinn on the last day of activities implementation


That to realize our idea in action we found an opportunity to participate in “Formula 2” seminar. The active group from our theatre studio with director Janika Koppel registered to participate in the seminar “Formula – 2” and with help of international marathon and consulters we stared idea realisation in frames of Erasmus+ programme.

We believe, that idea of this project is very an actual nowadays and it first of all connected to us, as youth who created this idea connected with project idea, problems and needs.

The chosen idea based on family problems and national features of families in different countries. As a method we chose theatre and making performance with traditional fairy-tales where are shown problems in family relationships. Nowadays youth do not paying enough attention to their families, backgrounds, roots and relatives. In future they could have problems when start to build own family institution.

Also, very important is to save traditions and keep cultural awareness of your mother country. That’s why we decided to discuss about this topic and see the potential influence among all of the people who belongs to the project as well among those for whom we will show our fairy-tales.

We want to carry out this idea because nowadays see that youth is forgetting about their family traditions, family roofs and doesn’t respect it’s values at all and according to that they will have problems in organizing their own families institutions and relationships. The traditions of family’s protection are very actual as it based on building the future family and helping to avoid divorces and misunderstanding. We believe that method theatre could help focus on the chosen problem more deeply and with it we will have more deep discovering process.


Pictures from the project you can find here on the Facebook page of the theatre studio “Flying cow” –

Pictures from the last performance in Kanutiaia Theatre you can find here –

Video prom the project final performance on the TVn channel you can find here  –