Project Number: 2017-3-EE01-KA205-046791
DURATION: 15 month (01.02.2018 till 31.04.2019)
3 organizations, youth amateur theatre studios (3 youth initiative groups) from Lithuania, Estonia and Austria
Estonia theatre studio Flying cow, more info
Austrian theatre studio BiondekBühne, more info here
Lithuanian Children and youth theatre „SAULA“ of Plunge cultural centre from Lithuania. more info here
Venue: Youth Initiative meetings will be in Plunge (Lithuania), Baden (Austria) and in Tallinn (Estonia)
Project Facebook page –
Project stages:
- Preparation , searching the topic of the project and creating the performance – each participant in own country (01/01/18 – 01/06/2018)
1st meeting in Lithuania (25.06.2018 – 29.06.2018)
2nd meeting in Austria (21-09.2018 – 24.09.2018),
3rd meeting in Estonia (05.04.201-09.04.2019).
- Dissemination (Working with local Youth in each own countries through showing the performance on the topic of the project and information about the experience of partners from other countries in carrying out this project to a local youth in each countries)
Each young person appreciates that others will estimate him as an adult. Especially teenagers are trying to make strong decisions but usually it will not have success and they become be in depression or it could in general break their life. Frequently, youngsters are suffered from the fact that their identity is not enough accepted and they haven`t ability to make strong decisions, by the way, it is a very normal process, because during this period of life they are still not a part of common society, they can’t understand they role in community and they might make mistakes.
We tried to test according to this interesting thoughts youth from theatre studio “Flying cow” who become initiative group of this project. They answered for questionnaire, which was focused on questions of the attitude to law, right, order, humanity, socialization and their role in society. On the base of answers as a youth workers we have seen that they are not focus and concentrate themselves on the community and sociality of their mother country, they do not have their own civic attitude. They split up bad people and good people, which means that not believe that each of them is as well a part of society and one day they could become “bad” person as well. They project their minds on their rights but do not realize their duties. They do not believe in laws and do not able to take responsibility for their actions.
That was the first step to the project involvement and youth became very interested in this theme and focus on the term ”Initiation” – how they could become part of society, how this process is going and where they can explore it?
We focus on the term “Initiation” from the historical rite of passage when among shamans the teenager moved from its stage into adulthood. Through rite young person were involved to the process of goodbye with childhood and the methods of it used harsh and severe. By the way, just through these stages youth become aware of the world of values and recognize laws and right of community where they are living which helped them to become adults. This theme become very actual and relevant for youth, they were very interested to work on it in frames of this project.
According to that were created main aims and objective of the project:
– To involve local youth with helping of young initiative 3 theatre groups (each group in their country) to the process of initiation from childhood to adulthood through method youth theatre, prepare local youth for a collision with the problems of adulthood and its solutions, help to find own civic and moral position.
– To receive intercultural exchange of the theme “Initiation”, help young people who are going to study and live abroad get known about the difficulties of adult life in another country.
– To create by initiative groups social performances based on the following classical literature as W. Golding “Lord of the Flies”, H. Lee “To kill a Mockingbird”, Y. Zamyatin “We: A Novel” etc. and disseminate its among different social youth groups with talk about main project theme “initiation” and “I in society”.
– To involve local youth to the topics of projects through meetings, discussions, questionnaires and other activities (playback theater, forum theater)
– To find partners from local social organizations who can facilitate the involvement of local youth in our project
– To concentrate on the self-assessment of each member of initiative groups that to understand meaning “I in society” and become more aware of the process of initiation from childhood to adulthood. (YoutPass and 8 key competences)
– To organize meetings of 3 initiative groups from 3 programme countries for sharing the experience and results and creating plans for dissemination stage (show the social performance and manage conversation with other involved participants who will be a spectators)
– To reflect by initiative groups gained knowledge, skill and attitude of the chosen theme after all stages of the project (by the way, tried to reflect it all the time)
– To receive intercultural exchange of the theme “Initiation” and how other youth from other countries recognize this term though the year of preparation and how they will input it to the main performance and disseminate it after that.
Project duration: 14 month
Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits)
New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses
Social dialogue
The name of our project is “Initiation – the process of becoming adult from childhood” and the topic aim of the project is helping and preparation young people through examples from classical literature to safely enter to adult world and find own civic and moral position. Everyone knows the entering to adult world can be difficult and sometimes too brutal for young people. We hope this project can help to prepare for real-life situations. Our main expectation from the project is that local youth will be more aware of the problems of adulthood . In this regard, they will be more responsive to their rights and especially to their duties. Maybe it can help make the right choice and not to make a lot of mistakes. In this regard, the main result will not be shown within a short time, but we hope that the knowledge and skills they received during the project will help young people in the future to become a full-fledged personality, find own civic position and become a highly moral human. In addition, young people within the project will get a lot of skills. This process will be leaded and supported by stage directors from each country. (intellectual outputs – awareness of participants, work with leaders)
– through the method of social theater (master-classes, workshops, creating and showing the performance) local young people from schools, youth centers, hobby schools, social centers, colleges (in three countries) will get to know as much as possible about the problems of entering into adulthood and the possibility of solving its. They will improve their creative, communicative and performing potentials. (meetings, learning, training, teaching activities on the transnational level – awareness of participants, recognition of the project theme, master classes from professional)
– young people will be involved in the process of studying classical literature. During that they will develop their intelligence, learning skills and open the mind. (intellectual outputs – work with staff, looking for core for the future performance)
– During the master classes from psychology and sociology trainers, professionals according to project main theme young people will be gained the knowledge, skills and attitude of the basic social and psychological topics relating to project theme. (intellectual outputs and learning, training, teaching activities – participants preparation and awareness to work with tern initiation and with social roles)
– The initiative group of young people will learn how to involve other local young people in the achievement of the project’s objectives and communicate for the common good.
– through the international meetings young people will learn about the cultural characteristics and values of other countries and exchange methods and experience while working on a project.
First of all, the project is focused for initiative groups – theatre studios, which are consist in 15 young people in age 13-19 years old in each country group. It means that people who deeply will work through this project are 45 participants. Each initiative group has their leader – stage director of each theatre studio who will lead the young initiative group.
During the project each theatre studio will involve around 400-500 local young people (target group 14 – 19 years) who will be also youth with different social statuses (from hospitals, orphan houses, youth centers, schools, camps and so on)
Also we will involve experts: sociologists, youth workers, politicians and youth psychologists from local community.
At the first part of our initiative groups from three countries will organize events, based on the theatrical method (as forum theater, playback theater, storytelling, master classes, improvisations) for local young people (in schools, youth centers, social centers, hobby schools, camps) in own country.
The initiation groups will involve young people to process of project through social networks (creating FB groups and social videos and dissemination them on internet).
Theatre studios from each country will create performance on the topic of project and show it to local youth (at least 10 performances will show each country group in the schools, camps, youth centers and e.t.).
Creating the brochures on the project themes also will involve young people to this process and help them reflect on the future or maybe prepare for the upcoming difficulties in advance.