From 11.04 until 20.04 in Rustavi, Georgia was taking place Training for Trainers – NATURAL ELEMENTS. In this TC was taking part 30 people from 15 different countries – Estonia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaidzan, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria
During 8 days we were living in Rustavi Scout center (30 km from Tbilisi). We were discovering natural-based learning methods, trainer’s skills, program design and etc.
Day 0
Our first day we started with nature-based excesses which helped us to discover place, where we will spend next 8 days. We should find 3 things for each of our senses – hearing, vision, taste, smell, touch, thinking. We had 15 minutes for doing this.
Next task was get to know all names, guess from which country person is and ask his natural element (fair, water, air or earth).
In the evening we had ritual – jumping upon fir – going from old life to new beginning.
Day 1
We started our day with needs analyses – we did small research of our needs, learning styles and expectations.
We continued with 1 min. speech “ELEVATOR PITCH” – each of us had 1 min. to tell to people what do you do in your life. We had 20 min. to prepare it.
After lunch we went outside to do a small hike to the field where we were showing our natural elements which we took from our country and search for the simple one in place where we were.
After small hike we came back to Scout center and each of us had chance to be a trainer. We were acting in trio – each had the topic, which we should prepare as a home task – Group dynamic, Learning Styles, Comfort, Stretching and Panic zone.
Day 2
We started our day with ABC of NFE and what is different between method, technique and activity. After small brake we went outside for creating a mandala of 4 seasons in silence from natural elements. Also we had chance to receive answer for our question from trees.
After lunch we went to Gardabani for doing “A TRHRESHOLD WALK”. It consisted from 2 parts:
- Searching for question “I am going out to …” – 15 min.
- Looking for answer – 45 min.
The point of this walk was to discover yourself and find connection with nature.
In the evening we were playing atmospheric games “Night of Triffids”.
Day 3
Day was started with theory of Atmospheric games and continued with PUBLIC SPEAKING. We were divided into two groups and watching our speeches from the first day.
After lunch we were discovering what is FACILTATION and playing some role games on this topic.
After small brake we were playing the game «Fruit fabric» and get knew the Scale of cooperation.
In the evening we had the chance to visit Open Trainers meeting.
Day 4
We started our day with PROGRAM DESIGN. We get know with SAMART NAOMI E.
In trio we had chance to try to design last three days of the project and also it was preparation to our own workshops. We were dealing with it whole first part of the day.
Second part was started with EGGsercise. It was compromising game which was leading for our next topic – DEBRIEFING. We discovered “debriefing sandwich”, David Kolb cycle, 4F (feelings, facts, finding, future) and active review methods. We ended day
In the evening we had the chance to visit Open Trainers meeting or play role game on the topic refuges.
Day 5
Morning was started with Heroe’s Jorney and storytelling principles. After this we went to the Session room for doing The Way of Council. We had two topics for this – “The place which is inspiring me” and “The moment them I made a difference”. This two sessions were very warm, comfortable, atmospheric and hygge.
On the second part of the day we went to TBILIS!!! We had the chance to spent in this beautiful city four hours and after this we went to the party in DRONI organization where we met a lot of their volunteers and members.
Day 6
We started with discovering types of trainers and communication stiles and continued with program overview in two groups (beginners and advance).
After lunch break we started division for working groups. First of all, we were divided for two groups of fifteen people. In this small groups we divided ourselves for trios in which we prepared worksops for the next day.
In our groups of fifteen people we discussed which topics we would like to discover and prepare and each trio has chosen one. We had topics like – conflict resolution, sharing experience, self-reflection.
Day 7
BIG DAY! Whole day we were working in our two groups of fifteen people. We were doing workshop for ourselves. It was interesting, informative, funny and on the same time stressful. In the evening we had reunion and the last reflection.
In the evening we had two options – 5 Rhythms or Open mike in Tbilisi
Day 8
Morning started with Fish-eye or Flash back and pros and minus of beeing trainer and presenting TOP10 of resurses for Nature-based methods. We continued day with Balanced Trainer Wheel model and 4 quadrant of Balanced Trainer (Spirit, Body, Soul, Mind).
After lunch we started with evaluation “exhibition” – we had A4 paper and we could do whatever we wanted. After this we had interview with our Buddy and planning the next date for telling of our results of dissemination.
After we received our Youth Passes, heard the song as a reflection, sad Cheers and closing ritual with putting stones to our secret place in Rustavi Scout center.
In the evening we had closing party in session room!