In November 2015 we started preparation for first Kick-of meeting in Czech Republic. The first meeting took place from 4th to 6th of December 2015.
During this meeting, we started to record a promo kick-of video, that we finished in Tallinn and were discussing about plans for the future as well.
After we came back to Tallinn, we started to search for participants and negotiate with them results from the first meeting and recorded our second part of the promo kick-of video.
Kick-of video:
Our second meeting took place in March 2016 in the Czech Republic. Our task was to discover the meaning of “social innovation” as well as to show other people that there are several ways to start thinking of an innovation. We walked in the city getting to know new places and people, listening to their stories and were also debating. Some games we played helped us to understand how to implement our ideas. In the end, we decided that the best way to communicate and share our results and ideas would be via a Facebook page and a Blog.
During that meeting, we also had an animation workshop where we tried to discover and implement the definition of “Social Innovation” through art.
More from our workshop
In Summer 2016, we started our dissemination.
In frames of “social innovation” project we organized three public events on the mid-term stage of the project as a first dissemination process. During the summer, Estonian group worked hard on the advertisement and promotion of the project and were preparing and organising the events. We did two trainings for teenagers from 12-16 y.o in the suburban camp Vihasoo and a presentation at an open event of Youth Club Active members, as well as simply disseminate project idea through talking with people. Over the summer, we involved around 150 people in the different activities and events.
In the camp, we used the methods of brain storming, videos, presentations and simulation games for the “Social Innovation” trainings. Our trainings lasted about an hour and were held for an audience of about 12-16 years old youngsters.
PICTURES from the dissemination stage:
We also introduced our project on the Active members year meeting in September 2016 and in a Youngsters Buisness school.
Since September we started our electronic group dairy where we write down all of our notes, ideas and recommendations from every meeting.
We started to think about our innovation and choose an idea. We decided to create ECO signs and put them in a park. After that decision, we started our researches about how this sign should look, how we are able to put them, where they are needed and so on.
In January 2017, we choose Pirita park, as a place for our signs and went several times for a walk to this park to get to know the place better and understand the situation there.
In February 2017, we had a workshop about graphic and WEB design with a trainer, so that we were after that able to start with creating our own signs.
In March 2017 we choose the best signs, decided the concrete place for the signs, started to collect all permissions from the Tallinn government that allowed us to put the signs to the public places and calculated the budget.
In April 2017, we visited Pirita government to introduce our project and signed permission.
In May 2017 we visited local TV, filmed our working process and gave an interview to the Youth News on local TV.
From 6th to 7th of May a meeting with the group from Czech Republic took place in Tallinn. Together with the people from Czech we put our signs to Pirita park in frames of “Let’s do it!” company.
Photos from putting the signs (part 1)
During the whole project, we were leading the FB page and Web-blog:
Dissemination of the project “Social innovation”
Putting signs to the Pitira park (part 2)
17.07 -Dissemination of the project “Social innovation” in frames of the International volunteer project
Dissemination of the project in the Vihasoo camp, summer season 2017