Project Title: “Сreation is a practical way to communicate with young people of different cultures” (In Estonian: „Kooslooming – praktiline võimalus erinevate kultuuridega noorte suhtlemiseks“)
Programme: Youth Meetings (Noortekohtumised)
Applicant: NGO Active Youth Club / NGO Active Youth Club (theater studio “Flying Cow”)
Number of participants: 24 participants (12 young speakers Russian and 12 Estonian young speakers) + 2 leaders from each group
Partner: Viljandi Hobby School (Theatre Class Evestuudio)
Age: Participants in age 11-16 years, leaders 18+
1. Preparation of the project (01.06.2015 – 09.09.2015)
Young people by themselves write small stories in prose and verse, and prepare it according to the performances.
2. The first meeting of the youth (22/09/2015 – 27/09/2015)
Kuusalu Vald, Tammispea Village, Youth Camp Vihasoo.
3. The second meeting of young people (09/10/2015 – 12/10/2015)
Voru 11, Tallinn Youth Centre Active; Last performance 11.10.2015 – Kesklinna Noortekeskus – public place.
4. The last step, post-project activities (12.10.2015 – 01.12.2015)
A summary of the plans for further cooperation (possible joint demonstration performances in Viljandi).
Aims and Objectives:
– To promote communication and understanding between young people of two different nationalities living in Estonia (Estonian and Russian) through the process of co-creation
– To promote mutual development of young people of different speakers in Estonia through targeted joint activities
– Involvement of Estonian-speaking and Russian-speaking young people living in Estonia in the study of culture, traditions and language of each other through drama and theater
1st meeting photos –
2nd meeting photos –