In February and March in Youth club Active was taking place Youth meetings project “Game has no borders”

The main aim of this project was to rally Russian – and Estonian – speaking youngsters, overcome language barrier and break stereotypes. The language barrier is a big obstacle in communication between different cultures.
Our project allowed young people to overcome the language barrier in practice and get rid of the fear of making mistakes when speaking in a non-native language, having learned to communicate with each other not only through verbal communication. This will be the first fundamental step towards communication of two cultures which will open new peaks for the youngster.

In our project we had two meetings.
First meeting was more about Games theory and non-formal learning. Youngsters were testing and exploring some board games: which competencies these games develop, for whom these games, how to use them for communication between different cultures.

Also in the first meeting, we did big bias on team-building. This helped youngsters communicate between each other easily and feel more comfortable during work in teams.
On the last day youngsters started to create their own games and in the end of the day they had “Ideas Fair”.

During all second meeting, we were creating our own games in 3 small groups. In the pre-last day, we were testing our games on youngsters who came to our Youth Centre.
Also, we were visiting Krabi-bowling and playing one simulation game, there we were splatted into 3 groups. Each group had different culture and traditions, but we had to, somehow, build all together shelter to hide from coming storm.

During hole project, we had photo and summary team, who was documenting our project and making photo and video.

Photo from 1st meeting:

Photo from 2nd meeting:


ETV+ report about dissemination in school:

ETV+ report – interview in evening show:

Video from a participant: