Youth Club Active is very versatile organisation because of big field of activity especially in volunteering field. We have very good partners and friends at the same time from Abikoerte Keskus – Assistance Dogs Estonia. They breed guide dogs and collect money for their preparation for blind people. Several years Youth Club Active with responsive people from suburban camp “VIhasoo”, hobby school Lasnamäe Huvikool participate in a charity campaign to raise funds.
1.In summer when was parental day Abikoerte keskus have visited us in suburban camp and all workers and kids had the opportunity to get acquainted with their activities and understand the aim of charity event. Were organised flea market and we sold badges “Vihasoo”. All money that we collected were for Max’s guide dog (to raising, feeding and maintaining one dog), which in the future will serve Sergei Turov, who is completely blind.
2.Were organized local flea market in Lasnamäe, Raadiku. Local people brought things that are no needed anymore and others could buy it for small price.
3.Also last year were organised one more charity event, but in Lindakivi cultural centre. Held a charity concert and different workshops for kids. Participated all who wanted.