Volunteering on a Family Day, Vihasoo 10.06.2018
Theatre project "People are strange if you are strange" Slovakia 2.07-13.07.2018
TC "A Deep Sense of Inclusion" Woodstown, Ireland 15.06-22.06.2018
TC "Plan B" Galicia, Spain 5.06-10.06.2018
Local Volunteeing: Family Day in Raadiku 27.05.2018
Local Volunteering: international conference "Gadgets around us" 12.06.2018
YE "Live it, Share it!" Cyprus 02.05.2018 - 10.05.2018
Local Volunteering "NOLIMIT DANCE BATTLE" 19.05.2018
TC in Romania " The Cangemakers" Severin, Romania 26.04-03.05.2018
TC "Be the leader of your life" Alicante, Spain. 22.04-28.04.2018
YE "Demo Life" Poland, Krakow 29.12.2017-07.01.2018
Christmas Charity event for guide-dogs
Christmas Sushi party in Youth Club Active
Romanian Cultural Evening by EVS volunteer Chris Bacon
German intercultural evening
Flash-mob "Look we are near!"
Volunteering fair / Vabatahtlikute tegevuse laat
YE " Intercultural Learning trough Sports and Outdoor activities"
Anniversary of the Vihasoo summer camp - 25 years!
Local Training Course «Teadlik VABATAHTLIK»
Seminar “I will find YOU”
Estonian NGO meeting "ВНЕформат"
Local Volunteering in Lasnamäe Tervisemaja "Perepäev"
TC "#YouthWork4life"
TC "I am part of it!"
YE “Babel's tower”
Social innovation, project dissemination stage
ACTIVE year members meeting
Youth Exchange "Build your own future"
Local Volunteering "Võitluskunstide tervisepäev"
Youth exchange Bottom up! Communicate at your best!
Local Volunteering, work with kids with special needs 17.09.17
Youth exchange "Agatha Christie starts business" 8-15 September, 2017, La Coruna, Spain
Youth Exchange: 'EcoTrekking on the way to mindful lifestyle' 08.09-14.09.2017 Vihasoo camp, Tammispea village, Estonia
YE "SPORTUNITIES FOR ALL" 08.09- 14.09.2017 Cambrils, Spain
YE "Champions of Growing up II" Slovenia. 19.08.- 26.08.2017
Opinion Festival 2017/Arvamusfestival 2017 11.08-12.08.2017
APV "Build your own future" 05.08-06.08.2017
TC "InsideOut". 18.06-25.06.2017
Youth Meetings. Part 2
Youth Exchange "How to get a job 101"
Dissemination of the project "Social innovation
Youth Meetings"Take a new look,Let's surf the town" First meeting
TC "Renew mode on"
YE "Make your gorgeous land"
"Youth Exchange „Think green, act European“
"Volunteering with kids from organisation "Different world"
YE "S.T.E.P.S. Share Trekking Experience Promoting Selfawareness
Human Library Event in Lasnamae
Social Innovation "Eco signs", KA2, Erasmus+
Meeting with OLD generation, experience exchange
"Forum-theatre in the Local school, 8th grade"
Social Innovation project, meeting in Tallinn
TC" Dare to Act" Berchum, Germany
APV of the Youth Exchange "Think green, act European""
Active Leaders Year meeting"
Training Course "Let’s surf the net!", KA1, Erasmus+
Summer job market for youth 2017
Video ? training in frames of long-term project “No hate Speech” ❤
Art workshop for Active teachers and leaders from the EVS volunteer from Russia Irina Nikulina.
Youth Exchange “Happy family – a fairy tale or reality?”
Youth Exchange “New Lifestyles – Changing Traditions”
Cooking Work – Christmas event for Active leaders and volunteers
Training Course “3,2,1 Action for All”
Training Course “PR tools for a good reputation”
ACTIVE volunteers club – making Christmas presents for children
Local training “International learning” part 2.
Youth Exchange “Build your future – be a leader”
Training Course “DixIt Yourself!” Hungary
Active Youth Forum 2016
Youth Exchange “Into The Woods”
Photo Exhibition “We are different, but we united”
APV of the Youth Exchange “Build your future – be a leader”
Local training “International learning”
KA2 project “Social innovation”, presentation in business school
Training course “Visual facilitation”
Project management “YouthMeetings”/Noortekohtumised
Croatian intercultural evening, #EVS
TC “Facilitarium 2 – art of visual facilitation of learning”
SA Harju Ettevõtlus- ja Arenduskeskus (HEAK) – Sum up of volunteer work
TC “Dare To Act”
TC “First ADR Kit” #firstADRkit
Local Volunteering, work with kids with special needs.
Youth Exchange “We are different, but we united” Estonia, Vihasoo Noortelaager
“Social innovation” project meeting
Youth Club Active “All-hands meeting 2016”
Long-term project “Social innovation”.
Youth Exchange “Champions of Growing up”.
Training Course “Developing Competences for Enhancing Social Inclusion”
Youth Exchange: “Renewable Energies in Europe”
Youth Exchange “equALLizer”
Dissemination of the Social Innovation project
APV of the Youth Exchange “equALLizer”
Volunteer project, open table “How to use volunteer platform”
Training “Entrepreneurship and start up”
Croatian evening in Youth Club Active
Youth Exchange “Social inclusion”
TC “A journey to explore the connection between sexuality”
TC “Dare to act! A Practical Guide for non Violence Action”
Kick-off meeting in frames of long-term project “First ADR Kit”
Youth Exchange “My emotions, my success”
<h3 class="widget-title">Youth Exchange “My emotions, my success”.</h3>
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