Main local project rules of NGO Youth Club Active

Several commitments, which should be followed during participation in different projects from NGO Youth Club Active
That to participate in different projects from Youth Club Active you have to candidate for it. Try to apply for local or international projects through e-mails:

Rules for Local projects:

You have to be active participant (be involved in each activity of the project)
Present our organization (wear uniform, share flayers, organize presentations, show web page etc.)
Bring back interesting contacts for future cooperation (partnerships)
Fill in the feedback after the project (we have a special form, which will be send to you by e-mail after the project)
Bring back interesting methods, materials, books, booklets and information from the project which you will share in our cent
Before the project activity will be organized pre work by sending organization Youth Club Active.

The process of gathering the group is going till the invoice achievement. When the group is complete according to NGO Youth Club Active rules each participant receive the personal invoice! After receiving the personal invoice is not allowed to refuse participation in the project anymore. If participant refuse participation in the project there is a fine as 30 EUR which participant has to pay during one week!
The local projects could be supported from different funds in Estonia. For participation in local projects could be exist participant fee. The amount of participant fee depends on project rules. [/kad_modal]

Main international project rules of NGO Youth Club Active

Several commitments, which should be followed during participation in different projects from NGO Youth Club Active
That to participate in different projects from Youth Club Active you have to candidate for it. Try to apply for local or international projects through e-mails:
Rules for International projects:

You have to be active participant (be involved in each activity of the project)
Present our organization (wear uniform, share flayers, organize presentations, show web page etc.)
Present our country - Estonia (video, dance, meal, song etc.)
Bring back interesting contacts for future cooperation (partnerships)
Fill in the feedback after the project (we have a special form, which will be send to you by e-mail after the project)
Bring back interesting methods, materials, books, booklets and information from the project which you will share in our cent
If you are under 18 years old you have to follow during project your group leader (Group leaders are exist just on youth exchanges, seminars or youth initiatives, where can participate youth under 18 years old.
Before the project activity will be organized pre work by sending organization Youth Club Active. We will have at least one group or individual meeting where participant will receive all instructions, tickets, invoices and other information that to be ready for the project.

The process of gathering the group is going till the invoice achievement. When the group is complete according to NGO Youth Club Active rules each participant receive the personal invoice! After receiving the personal invoice is not allowed to refuse participation in the project anymore. If participant refuse participation in the project there is a fine as 30 EUR which participant has to pay during one week!

In projects in frames of Erasmus+ programme will be covered 100% of the accommodation, food and activities. Moreover, will be covered the part of the travel cost. In frames of new programme Erasmus+ there are no reimbursement as 70% of the travel costs. In the programme is given the fixed sums of travel cost, which are based on distances. More concrete info about European programme Erasmus+ you can find here
Estonian NA web site -
In each project exists participant fee. This price of participant fee is connected with the project and sending organization. Every time it could be different sums. Group leaders doesn’t pay any participant fee.

For youth who are under 18 years old:
You have to have to the international project special permission from one of your guardian in non-formal format but with signature. This document should be given to leaders of NGO Youth Club Active on the paper A4. The document should allow to young person under 18 years old to participate in the project and provide by parent that responsible for young person is group leader. We advise to do this kind of permission in English language.
If the project will be in not European country and participant will need visa there is exist another form of permission for youth under 18 years old. We kindly recommend to parents receive special permission for group leader name in embassy of this country.
Here is the link for parents - how should fly person who are under 18 years old – look here -

PS! During the project is not allowed to smoke and contribute alcohol for youth under 18 years old!

PS! The group leader during the project responsible for picking up participants to the project and get all relevant stuff there. This person doesn’t control youth during the leisure time and not responsible for their behaviour.